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4 Best Practices You Should Follow When Dealing with Pagination


Managing pagination is tricky in the world of SEO. When using crawling tools for on page SEO, you may see many warnings like duplicate page titles and other meta tags coming from paginations. It is believed that pagination is bad for SEO, but not entirely. Everything depends on how you handle it. It can hurt SEO a bit, but it is normal. So here are the best practices to follow to get fantastic results for your SEO in Singapore.

  1. Make use of self referencing canonical tag

Every page in the pagination series must have a canonical URL to itself. Canonical tags for pages must always be used with the almost or exact same content. When it comes to pagination, two pages with the same content must never happen. With that, self referencing canonical tag for all pages must be used, and rel=prev/next must be properly implemented.

  1. Change the meta tag

Pagination is still treated as normal pages so if Google indexes paginated pages from your website, always go for on page SEO optimization as you do with the normal pages as well.

  1. Never include pagination in an XML sitemap

The XML sitemap of a website must always entail URLs that have prioritized crawling for search engines. Don’t include pagination instead of blocking them through robots.txt, if you want to save your crawl budget.

  1. Make the use of faceted navigation

When managing a big website or an eCommerce site, go for faceted navigation. It lets the users filter content with their preferred attributes. It could be a bit tricky to work on, but this is the best way to manage websites with thousands and thousands of pages and prevent the same issues from being caused by improper pagination.